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Minimally invasive spine surgeon Dr. Kern Singh speaks at Rothman Orthopaedics grand round lecture hosted at Sidney Kimmel Jefferson Medical College.

Posted on: May 6th, 2024 by Our Team

In March of 2024, Dr. Kern Singh traveled from Chicago, IL to Philadelphia, PA to his medical school alma mater the Sidney Kimmel Jefferson Medical College to share insights and expertise in a grand rounds lecture for the Rothman Orthopaedics residents and attendings. But beyond the lecture hall, Dr. Singh’s visit underscored a deeper message: the pivotal role of mentorship in shaping the future of spine surgery. As a luminary in the field, Dr. Kern Singh embodies the essence of mentorship. His journey from student to surgeon has been illuminated by the guidance and wisdom imparted by mentors along the way such as Dr. Alexander Vaccarro. Recognizing the transformative impact of mentorship, Dr. Singh remains committed to paying it forward, nurturing the next generation of spine surgeons.

Mentorship in spine surgery extends beyond technical skills; it encompasses instilling values, fostering resilience, and nurturing a spirit of innovation. Dr. Singh’s visit to Rothman Orthopaedics served as a beacon of this ethos, emphasizing the importance of cultivating a supportive community where knowledge is shared and nurtured. In an ever-evolving field like spine surgery, mentorship serves as a cornerstone for growth and advancement. It bridges the gap between theory and practice, providing aspiring surgeons with the tools and guidance needed to navigate complex surgical landscapes with confidence and proficiency.

Dr. Kern Singh’s journey to Rothman Orthopaedics was more than just a lecture; it was a testament to the transformative power of mentorship in shaping the future of spine surgery. As Dr. Singh’s legacy continues, it serves to illuminate the path for generations of aspiring surgeons, empowering them to reach new heights of excellence in patient care and surgical innovation.

At A Glance

Dr. Kern Singh

  • Minimally invasive and endoscopic spine surgeon
  • Inventor and surgeon innovator with multiple patents in spinal surgery and instrumentation
  • Author of more than 10 textbooks in minimally invasive spinal surgery
  • Learn more

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